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神秘博士:圣诞颂歌:是托比·海恩斯导演在2010年出品的英国喜剧片影片,其主要演员有马特·史密斯,凯瑟琳·詹金斯,迈克尔·刚本等,主要剧情:It’s the deepest part of winter, the exact midpoint, Christmas Eve – half way out of the dark. Amy and Rory are trapped on a stricken space liner that’s plummeting through banks of thick icy fog to the surface of the planet below. Only one man has the power to save them; only one man is in possession of a machine that can clear the fog and let them land safely. That man is Kazr...
本片由开心影院于2024-02-26 20:24:04从网络搜集而来,观看神秘博士:圣诞颂歌如果觉得神秘博士2010圣诞特辑,Doctor Who: A Christmas Catol不错的,可以继续搜索本片导演托比·海恩斯和马特·史密斯,凯瑟琳·詹金斯,迈克尔·刚本等演员相关影视作品,请持续关注本站更新最新电影喜剧片资源。