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精神病院12天:是雷蒙·德帕东导演在2017年出品的法国纪录片影片,其主要演员有等,主要剧情:Every year in France, 92,000 people are placed under psychiatric care without their consent. By law, the hospital has 12 days to bring each patient before a judge. Based on medical records and a doctor’s recommendations, a crucial decision has to be made – will the patient stay or leave  12 DAYS after which lives can change forever.
本片由开心影院于2023-11-16 14:06:34从网络搜集而来,观看精神病院12天如果觉得12日疯人认证(港) 12天 12 Days不错的,可以继续搜索本片导演雷蒙·德帕东和等演员相关影视作品,请持续关注本站更新最新电影纪录片资源。