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卡兰达尔之夜:是穆斯塔法·卡拉导演在2015年出品的其它剧情片影片,其主要演员有Haydar,Sisman,Nuray,Yesilaraz,Hanife,Kara,Ibrahim,Kuvvet,Temel,Kara等,主要剧情:Mehmet is a man living with his family in a mountain village in Black Sea. He earns his life breeding a few animals, while looking for a mineral reserve on the mountains but his pursuit is seen as useless by his family. Destroyed in search of a mineral reserve, his hope is renewed with the news of a competition.
本片由开心影院于2023-11-16 14:17:51从网络搜集而来,观看卡兰达尔之夜如果觉得Cold of Kalandar不错的,可以继续搜索本片导演穆斯塔法·卡拉和Haydar,Sisman,Nuray,Yesilaraz,Hanife,Kara,Ibrahim,Kuvvet,Temel,Kara等演员相关影视作品,请持续关注本站更新最新电影剧情片资源。